We’re pleased to announce that we have launched a Firewall Checker App for our line of Interactive LEDs. Backwards compatible with the Y Series as well as the current TouchIT Rapide Interactive LED, now customers can take the guesswork out of their software & firewall setup on the network.

TouchIT Firewall Checker is able to verify whether all the IPs, URLs and Ports are accessible in a matter seconds for the suite of Software TouchIT provides with its Interactive LEDs.

TouchIT Firewall Checker is able to verify the following software;

Contribute Cloud, Casting Server, Presenter/Teacher Server & Student/Participant Server

Contribute Cloud Website – for accessing your account and joining a session

JustCast IT, Casting Server, Presenter/Teacher Server & Student/Participant Server

TouchIT App Store Access

If your network is allowing access to the required servers and ports then the Apps display in green as shown above. Should access be blocked, then that App will appear in red as you can see from the image below. The software in a matter of seconds can check and detect any access issues.

The TouchIT Firewall Checker App is available for all customers to download now in the TouchIT App Store. There is also a web/mobile version that is accessible through any browser at https://status.touchittechnologies.com should a customer wish to check the status from a computer or their mobile device.

Making things as easy as possible is one of our focuses” commented Ronnie Murphy, President at TouchIT Technologies. “This App just takes away the guesswork for a customer who is setting up our devices and software on their network. They can see instantly if things are going to work” he added.

Visit the TouchIT App Store on your device today to download the software.