
Will I be Able to Notice the Additional Resolution?

To be able to detect the additional resolution of 4k (or 8k), the screen must be quite large and you must sit fairly close. This means in a classroom or a boardroom scenario, yes you will notice the difference.

By |2015-03-26T18:10:59+00:00March 26th, 2015||Comments Off on Will I be Able to Notice the Additional Resolution?

What about 8K? When do you for see this coming and when it does, Is 4K about to become obsolete?

This is some years off. Think of when HD became common place - the adoption of the TV stations to broadcast in the resolution took a long time. There are also limitations of bandwidth for the broadcasters for the likes of 8K video.

By |2015-03-26T18:08:04+00:00March 26th, 2015||Comments Off on What about 8K? When do you for see this coming and when it does, Is 4K about to become obsolete?
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