
About Andi

Hi there! I'm Andi, the CEO of TouchIT Technologies, where we've been sparking creativity and learning in young minds through interactive tech for over 15 years. My passion lies in designing software and hardware that inspires thousands of students worldwide to explore, discover, and express themselves digitally. With decades of experience in the interactive technology market, I'm here to share my insights, tips, and stories about bridging the gap between fun and learning through tech. Buckle up for a journey into the world of edtech, sprinkled with practical advice and a dash of geeky enthusiasm!

Learn all about Playback Schedules in Contribute Signage Software

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #Ask Susie. In this week's post, we're going to lLearn all about Playback Schedules in  Contribute Signage, Software.   Learn all about Playback Schedules in Contribute Signage Software A Playback Schedule allows you to decide what is going to play on which screen or [...]

By |2019-12-20T13:37:52+00:00February 21st, 2020|Contribute Signage|Comments Off on Learn all about Playback Schedules in Contribute Signage Software

How to use the Chat and File Transfer in Contribute Cloud Software

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #AskAndi. In this post we'll look at how to use Contribute Cloud Chat and File Transfer. Contribute Cloud Chat & File Transfer Contribute Cloud Chat is a simple an easy way to share information with all your students or participants in a session. Unlike [...]

By |2019-12-19T16:36:47+00:00February 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to use the Chat and File Transfer in Contribute Cloud Software

7 Reasons TouchIT Technologies is the Interactive Flat Panel Manufacturer for You

Choosing which manufacturer you are going to go with for your Interactive Flat Panels in your school or District is not an easy decision. Nor is it a decision that should be made lightly. In this blog post I am going to look at 7 reasons why you should choose TouchIT Technologies. I [...]

By |2020-02-10T11:32:27+00:00February 17th, 2020|Contribute Cloud, Contribute Signage, Interactive Flat Panels, TouchIT App Store, TouchIT Rapide|Comments Off on 7 Reasons TouchIT Technologies is the Interactive Flat Panel Manufacturer for You

Learn all about Playback Groups in Contribute Signage Software

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #Ask Susie. In this week's post, we're going to Learn all about Playback Groups in Contribute Signage, Software. Learn all about Playback Groups in Contribute Signage Software Playback Groups are used to group playback devices together. This can be particularly useful if you want to [...]

By |2019-12-20T13:33:45+00:00February 14th, 2020|Contribute Signage|Comments Off on Learn all about Playback Groups in Contribute Signage Software

How to Import Smart Notebook Files in Contribute Cloud Software

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #AskAndi. In this post we're going to look at how we can import Smart Notebook Files into Contribute Cloud Software. Importing Smart Notebook Files into Contribute Cloud Software This is something that we get asked a lot. Now Smart have done a fantastic job [...]

By |2019-12-19T17:31:48+00:00February 12th, 2020|Contribute Cloud|Comments Off on How to Import Smart Notebook Files in Contribute Cloud Software

7 Reasons you need an Interactive LED in 2020

  There are many reasons that you need an Interactive LEDs in 2019 and in this blog post, we will look at 7 of the top reasons to consider. Reason 1 – Your Interactive Whiteboards are getting old. We’ve all been there. Looking at a faded image, having to have all the blinds [...]

By |2020-02-04T17:32:45+00:00February 10th, 2020|Interactive Flat Panels|Comments Off on 7 Reasons you need an Interactive LED in 2020

Learn how to Download and Register Playback Devices in Contribute Signage Software

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #Ask Susie. In this week's post, we're going to Learn how to Download and Register Playback Devices in  Contribute Signage, Software.   Learn how to Download and Register Playback Devices in Contribute Signage Software After you have created a layout, you will be directed [...]

By |2019-12-20T13:28:53+00:00February 7th, 2020|Contribute Signage|Comments Off on Learn how to Download and Register Playback Devices in Contribute Signage Software

How Schools are Using Digital Signage in 2020

Digital Signage; it's everywhere. We walk down the high street, in the shopping mall, the airport, in the take-away, the gas station, our schools and meeting rooms - everywhere! So the ability to take a design and push it to a screen is not something new. Here we want to look at some pretty cool [...]

By |2020-02-05T13:17:38+00:00February 5th, 2020|Contribute Signage|Comments Off on How Schools are Using Digital Signage in 2020

How to Create and User Participant Lists in Contribute Cloud

Hello and welcome to this Blog Post edition of #AskAndi. In today's post we're going to look at creating Class Lists inside Contribute Cloud. Creating Class / Participant Lists By creating Participant Lists in Contribute Cloud, you are able to invite your participants to join the session with a single click of a [...]

By |2019-12-19T16:31:27+00:00February 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to Create and User Participant Lists in Contribute Cloud

Considering Interactive Whiteboards, You Need to Read This Article

You have had interactive whiteboards in your classes for the last six or seven years and you are looking to replace them. Whatever you do, DO NOT replace them with more Interactive Whiteboards! This article will help to explain exactly why you should not be replacing interactive whiteboards with more Interactive Whiteboards! What [...]

By |2020-02-04T17:32:59+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Interactive Flat Panels|Comments Off on Considering Interactive Whiteboards, You Need to Read This Article
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