
Choosing the right Interactive Flat Panel?

Where do you start?   Different Types of Technology Avoid Overlays and Non-Integrated units To the inexperienced, a TV and a touch overlay would seem to present a school with an inexpensive option for an Interactive Flat Panel, but this really doesn’t work. An overlay is a second piece of technology that lays on the [...]

By |2019-11-19T11:48:12+00:00January 3rd, 2017|Interactive Flat Panels|Comments Off on Choosing the right Interactive Flat Panel?

Why do I need these Interactive Flat Panels?

The Beginnings of Interactive Whiteboards Smart Technologies[1] invented the Interactive Whiteboard in the late 1990s, but it wasn't until 2008 when they became popular. Boosted by government funding in the UK, sales of Interactive Whiteboards jumped from 3,000 to 60,000 units a year.  Other countries around the World, including the Unites States, quickly followed suit. [...]

By |2019-11-19T11:48:21+00:00December 11th, 2016|Interactive Flat Panels|Comments Off on Why do I need these Interactive Flat Panels?

Replace your Smartboards with Interactive LEDs without losing SMART Notebook® lessons.

Alternatives to Smartboards, let's take a look at one. For the IT department of a School District, updating old Smartboards with new technology and software can be an absolute minefield. There are a lot of decisions to be made. What technology? What size LED? How much is it? What software does it come with? This [...]

By |2019-12-12T11:18:14+00:00October 13th, 2016|Interactive Flat Panels|Comments Off on Replace your Smartboards with Interactive LEDs without losing SMART Notebook® lessons.
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