Modern students interpret knowledge differently than previous generations. Before the digital age and fast microprocessors, students could only use books and write what they saw on the blackboard. Today 97% of students choose to access information in digital format.

We are now much more efficient at capturing, reading and sharing information. But the new technologies do not make it easier to interpret this kind of information.

With the COVID 19 pandemic, digital communication has become much more important. Several organizations need to coordinate proactive measures, for example. schools and digital signage is a perfect solution. University students often receive countless e-mails with various updates and other valuable information, but do not read them.

The reason for this is that the material is not delivered in an easily understandable way. Universities and colleges are constantly disseminating a lot of information, and not all of it is geared towards teaching.

Students have to remember many details, including schedules, test results, and food choices. Administrators must have all this information available to ensure that students can see it. At the same time, they must ensure that students understand this without being overwhelmed. Fortunately, schools are no longer limited to e-mail and cork boards.

About 70% of schools use digital signage systems, which offer many advantages. Digital signage allows schools to publish updates and news. Since the situation is constantly changing, it can be difficult to keep the content up to date. However, many digital signage systems work with cloud-based CMS, so publishers can easily update their news from anywhere in the world.

In education, digital signage is the most innovative way to learn. It also increases institutional credibility. Institutions can easily integrate all their digital content from anywhere in the world through a digital signage program. Promotional materials are much easier with digital signage advertising. It gives the organization a more professional look and also attracts viewers.

Any school can use digital signage advertising to strengthen its strategic position in a very competitive market. The use of projectors was a popular method until recently, but many teachers are becoming more creative with interactive touch screens that act as digital whiteboards. Interactive touchscreens bring beauty to the classroom. They also enable students to learn quickly.

The year 2020 has brought new challenges and difficulties that the new developments in the field of digital signage are designed to address. Here’s is how digital signage is changing education in 2020.


Colleges and universities should impart knowledge exactly where it is needed. They can program and update content remotely and then display it on their screens at the appropriate time. Because digital signage allows you to use interactive content, you can also translate content from English into other languages, ensuring that students with English as a second language understand all the important details correctly.


First-year students and tourists may need a guide to help them find their way around the campus. They can use digital signage systems to help everyone find their way. One of the advantages of digital signage is that institutions can synchronize their ads with the planned events, so that people can not only see ads for social and sports activities, but also easily find their way to these activities. All they need to do is display relevant content on the right side of the screens.

Reinforcing learning

Digital signage also offers educators many ways to enhance the learning experience for their students. For example, they can use digital signage to view slides and read videos related to some of the topics students learn in the classroom. Some teachers may worry that the screens may confuse students, but if they select the right content, the screens help students remember the most important details. For example, the slides may contain key points, diagrams and charts on the topics.

Improving campus safety

The digital display is particularly useful when it comes to urgent response requests. For example, universities use digital signage as part of their emergency plans. When students need to be evacuated quickly or when the campus is closed, digital signage alerts students in emergencies and directs them to a safe location. In addition, digital signage can be used to remind students of the precautions to take.

Creating a sense of community

Universities and colleges are more than just educational institutions. Students spend a large part of their time on campus, so their school is also a very important part of their social life. Digital signage is a great way to help university communities celebrate the collective and individual achievements of students. For example, schools can use digital signage advertising to present sports results and convey brand messages. In addition, digital signage will help schools share information about fundraising initiatives and social events.

Benefits of Digital Signage Systems

Digital signage is cost-effective

Digital signage is certainly a perfect alternative to printed documents. There is no need to print hundreds of copies that are thrown away shortly after immediate use. If a school needs to announce a specific event, digital signage is an excellent solution.

Digital signage grabs attention

When you see a static poster or a note full of text, it’s hard to concentrate on the things that really interest you. Digital signage will get your attention. You can show more details in the form of a dynamic image and understanding will be easier.

Digital signage is actionable

When people see a visual detail, an emotional response is more likely to be triggered. Digital signage requires intervention, which is useful when you need to make an important emergency announcement or notify students of a change in schedule or due date.

Preventing infections

In addition to infrared temperature sensors combined with advanced AI algorithms for fever detection, industry experts have also developed new digital signage systems that use cameras and AI to count people. By integrating digital signage systems with cameras and biometric systems, it is now possible to monitor whether people wear masks and maintain social distance.

Final Thoughts

Digital signage offers educators many advantages, as they can exchange important details in real time and display them easily. Digital signage can be used both in the classroom and outdoors. Schools can use digital signage systems to provide important information, exchange messages and enrich the lessons for students.