So you have just taken delivery of your brand new TouchIT Interactive LED – firstly, excellent choice of hardware, well done! In this blog post, we’ll look at what the first 5 things you should be doing with your new interactive screen.

1. Connect to the Internet.

It may seem like something obvious, but you do need to connect your TouchIT LED to the Internet to get the best possible use out of it. All TouchIT LEDs are able to be connected Wirelessly or wired. Depending on what model you have, the process could be slightly different but if you are connecting to WIFI you will need to plug in the dongle that came in the brown accessories box and then turn on your WIFI in the settings. In the two videos below, we look at how to do this on the Y Series and also the TouchIT Rapide.

3. Create and Account on the App Store

If you have a TouchIT Rapide LED then you are lucky as the LED comes pre-installed with the TouchIT App Store so you will just need to open the App and register. This only takes a few minutes and you just need to set an email and choose a password. Once you have done this, you can then download Apps from the store onto your LED.

Take a look at the videos below that will show you how to do this.

4. Download Some Apps

Now that you have your account on the TouchIT App Store created, then next thing you are going to do is install some Apps. Here is a short list of the TouchIT Apps we recommend that you download. Please note, some of the Apps may already be installed on your LED.

  • Just Annotate
  • Just Cast IT
  • TouchIT Air
  • Contribute Cloud

5. Create an Account on Contribute Cloud

Contribute Cloud is our annotation, presentation and lesson creation software that also allows you to collaborate with your colleagues or students. It has casting and learning gamification built in. What is more, it comes as standard unlimited with all TouchIT LEDs. The first thing that you need to do is head over to the Home Screen and click on Contribute Cloud icon.

You are then presented with this screen.

As you can see, you have the option to login with popular social profiles. If you are already logged into your profile on your computer, then creating an account is a one click process. If you are not, you will need to login as show below.

Please note, that if you are using your social profiles to log in, you may need to Authorize the App to have access. We only use your name, email and avatar – not your files or data.

If you don’t want to use your social profiles, or your establishment does not allow this, then you can create an account by choosing an email and password. Click on “Create Account”, fill in the form and click “Sign Up”

You will then need to login with the email address and password that you have chosen from the main home screen.

When you have signed in successfully, you will be presented with this screen which is your dashboard.

The first thing you are going to need to do is create a workbook by clicking on the “Create Workbook” button.

To make your account permanent and activate it, you are going to enter your serial number in your account profile. From the dashboard, click on your burger icon, then on your profile avatar – under license, enter your serial number. Once activated, it should look like the image below.