5.Lesson 5 - Basic Collaboration #

Lesson 5 – Basic Collaboration

Collaboration is a key aspect of Contribute Cloud. What we are going to do is take the Respiration workbook that we have already created, start a session, join the session from a second computer and then we are going to put that second computer into collaboration mode. Firstly, you need to be in the same session as the teacher; presenter which means either joining by the email link you were sent, or by manually joining with the session ID via join.contribute.cloud.

As the teacher/presenter, you are able to grant collaboration access to any of the participants in your session. Simply, open the notification window and under the section where it lists who is in your session, put a check in the box next to the name of the person you wish to collaborate with.

They are now able to use their tools from their device and what is drawn or written displays instantaneously on both screens.

Alternatively, the participant/student is able to request annotation access by clicking on the button that says “Request Annotation Access” at the top of the screen.

The teacher/presenter will then receive a notification message and they can then click on the check box to allow the collaboration.

In both cases, the teacher/presenter is able to stop the collaboration at any time by removing the check in the box box from next to the persons name.


What you are going to do now is put your student into collaboration mode. Then try using the drawing tools and shapes from the toolbars and you will see that it is now a two way process. Also, if the teacher opens up any of the education tools, they will show on the student screen. Experiment, see what you can do and are on the workbook.



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